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Available Services For 60015 (bannockburn)

Business & Construction Services

Residential Services

Residential Waste & Recycling Services

LRS began serving as the Village of Bannockburn’s franchised residential waste and recycling hauler on April 1, 2014. LRS provides weekly street-side service or back door service on the designated service day. Carts are serviced from 7a to 5p and must be out no later than 7a.

The designated service day for Bannockburn is Monday. For street-side service, carts must be within 4 feet of the curb or edge of street pavement, in front of the customer’s property. For back door service, a LRS driver will wheel the garbage and recycle carts from the customer’s door to the street and back.

In addition to servicing Bannockburn residents, LRS is also the Village of Bannockburn’s franchised commercial waste hauler, which went into effect May 1, 2015.

Please refer to the following link for more information: Holiday Service Schedule

Bannockburn Residential Waste & Recycling
  • LIMITED TRASH PROGRAM WITH 95 GALLON CART – Cart for recycling in 65 OR 95 GALLONS = $25.94 per month (CURBSIDE) or $50 per month (TOP OF DRIVE)

Stickers are required for loose bags of trash with our limited program.


  • UNLIMITED TRASH PROGRAM WITH 95 GALLON CART – Cart for recycling in 65 OR 95 GALLONS = $33.94 per month (CURBSIDE) or $52.50 per month (TO POF DRIVE)

No stickers are required for loose bags of trash with our unlimited program..

The Village, in conjunction with LRS, is pleased to offer residents an opportunity to dispose of household goods curbside for free, on 1 day every year. Our 2024 Clean-Up day will take place on Wednesday, June 5th.


Commonly disposed materials include: – Small furniture such as chairs and tables – Carpet and lumber – bundled in lengths not more than four feet long by two feet wide – Construction debris – not more than one cubic yard and weighing less than 50 pounds – Plumbing fixtures – Mattresses and box springs (wrapped in plastic) – Empty water softeners- extra lose bags of trash – Small vehicle parts (under 50 lbs each) drained of any oil and/or gas.


All goods must be placed at the curb on this day, and must be a size manageable for one person to lift. However, appliances, electronics, household hazardous waste, and landscape waste will not be accepted by LRS.

Some appliances require special handling as they may contain harmful chemicals or they need to be recycled at a special location. Call 844-633-3577 or E-mail LRS Customer Service at Service@LRSrecycles.com to schedule and prepay for a curbside white good collection.



  • Air Conditioner

  • Clothes Dryer

  • Cook Top and Cooking Plate

  • Cooker or Bakers Oven

  • Dishwasher

  • Drying Cabinet

  • Freezer

  • Kitchen Stove or Oven Range

  • Microwave Oven

  • Refrigerator or Refrigeration equipment

  • Washing Machine

  • Water Heater

LRS/Bannockburn Waste Stickers are used for garbage or yard waste outside of LRS cart(s), loose garbage bags, bulk items and yard waste bags or non-LRS 33-gallon containers



Bannockburn residents have the option to put out one bulk item (up to 50 pounds) per pick up on the same service day. Prior to pickup, LRS asks customers to call the customer service line at 844-NEED-LRS and report what the bulk item is. White goods are not included in this service.

Trash: Customers can place extra garbage on the side of the trash cart. Extra garbage must be bagged with a sticker.


Recycling: Customers can place extra recyclables at street-side on the side of the recycling cart. All extra recyclables will be collected at no charge

Available from April 1 to November 30, LRS provides a simple option for landscape waste collection. Landscape waste is collected on Wednesdays at street-side. LRS offers two services for landscape waste.

Subscription Service:  Subscription Service provides a flat monthly rate that covers up to ten 35-gallon containers or kraft bags. The 2024 subscription rate is $200. For more than ten kraft bags or containers, a sticker must be affixed onto the additional bags/containers. See the sticker service information below. If you would like to rent a 35-gallon organics cart with your subscription program, the cost in 2024, is $5 per month billed during the season.

Sticker Service:  Sticker Service is a weekly volume-based system where a customer pays for only the quantity of the landscape waste collected. This option is done by the customer purchasing stickers through LRS, which are in turn mailed out within 24 hours, and placing them on a kraft bag or personal can. Bags and cans should not exceed 35 gallons and 50 pounds. Prior to the pickup, the customer must call LRS the Tuesday before service to alert our staff of the requests. Stickers are light blue cost $3 each, in 2024.

For almost 20 years, the 1,583 residents and businesses of the Village of Bannockburn have counted on LRS for all of their roll-off dumpster, street sweeper, portable bathrooms, on-site storage and mulch needs. Our team of professionals will stop at nothing to make sure our clients are set up properly for any project. Our top of the line service and knowledge of the waste management and recycling industry is what has kept our partnership with Bannockburn residents and businesses so strong. Plus, our recycling and transfer center in Northbrook recycles 75% of the materials brought in. With Bannockburn having one of the highest mean home values in the state, we want to keep the town looking as green and clean as possible. As the Chicago leader in waste diversion and recycling solutions, LRS is proud to service the residents and businesses of Bannockburn. Our focus is to provide you with excellent customer service and sustainable practices.

For over a decade, LRS has proudly held a franchise agreement with the Village of Bannockburn by providing refuse, recycling, and organics collection to all commercial properties. If you or your business are looking to set up service or make an update to an existing account, please reach out to us at 844-633-3577 or Service@LRSrecycles.com where we would be happy to assist.

Please see options for collection, with pricing, at this link.

  Contact Us Holiday Schedule Schedule E-Waste Pickup

Rent from LRS

Email Customer Support


Responds Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM within 24 hours and most often same day.

Email your request or inquiry to Service@LRSrecycles.com

  • Please include the following information, if available:
    • Account number, if available
    • First and Last Name
    • Street Address
    • Phone Number
    • Preferred Contact
    • Your Inquiry, Request or Question

LRS Customer Service Phone: 844.NEED.LRS (844.633.3577)


Electronic Waste Pickup Request


Household Hazardous Waste Pickup Request


Welcome to the LRS Village of Bannockburn Service Enrollment or Service Change Request web portal.

Single-family home Village of Bannockburn residents may use this web portal to:

  • Select your preferred cart sizes
  • Provide LRS with your mailing address
  • Choose to receive quarterly bill by mail or e-mail (paperless billing option)

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All