Beginning in January 2022, LRS will be the new exclusive service provider for the Village of Lincolnshire! We look forward to providing weekly collection services for the garbage, recycling and yard waste services.
Service days will remain on Wednesdays and will begin the first week of January 2022.
Lincolnshire Transition Information Brochure: Click to view or print
LRS is honored to be the exclusive waste service provider for Darien homes beginning Friday, April 1, 2022. LRS is an independent service provider headquartered in Morton Grove, IL. On behalf of our local Darien team, we look forward to providing services for your home every week and being part of the Darien community.
Effective January 1, 2022, Village of Lincolnshire subscription and sticker rates are less! LRS/Lincolnshire Stickers will be used for limited program customers on loose bags of trash, yard waste and bulk items.
For our unlimited program customers, there are no stickers required on extra bags of trash placed out curbside for pickup!
UNLIMITED TRASH PROGRAM WITH 95 GALLON CART – Cart for recycling in 35, 65, or 95 gallons = $23.45 per month
For unlimited subscription residents, all garbage bags placed outside of the LRS trash cart do not require a Lincolnshire Waste Sticker per bag.
If you are 65 years of age or older, with verification, you may take advantage of a 10% senior discount by filling out the form at this link. – PDF of Lincolnshire Senior Form
35, 65, or 95 gallon carts will be available for both waste and recycling services., We encourage all residents to enroll for their preferred service by using our dedicated web portal in the upper right-hand corner of this page by December 3rd at 5 PM.
**Residents who do not enroll for a specific cart size will receive 95-gallon waste and recycling carts for services.**
You can contact LRS by calling the local customer experience team 844-633-3577 (844-NEED-LRS) or emailing the team at
The Village, in conjunction with LRS, is pleased to offer residents an opportunity to dispose of household goods curbside for fees, on 1 day every year. Our 2022 Clean-Up day will be held on Saturday, April 9th.
Commonly disposed materials include: – Small furniture such as chairs and tables – Carpet and lumber – bundled in lengths not more than four feet long by two feet wide – Construction debris – not more than one cubic yard and weighing less than 50 pounds – Plumbing fixtures – Mattresses and box springs (wrapped in plastic) – Empty water softeners- extra lose bags of trash – Small vehicle parts (under 50 lbs each) drained of any oil and/or gas.
All goods must be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on Saturday, April 9th, and must be a size manageable for one person to lift. However, appliances, electronics, household hazardous waste, and landscape waste will not be accepted by LRS.
Lincolnshire residents may choose from three different cart size options for residential household collection of refuse.
All carts should be placed out on Wednesdays to ensure collection.
Bulk items are large items that don’t fit into your LRS garbage cart or non-LRS garbage container. LRS will collect one bulk item per week for no charge. Each additional bulk item requires one LRS Village of Lincolnshire sticker.
A recycle cart and collection service is offered with each program option. There is no additional charge for one recycle cart and weekly collection service.
Remove metal clips and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders and industrial size staples. Envelopes with cellophane windows are accepted.
Non-LRS containers used for recycle materials must meet the following requirements:
LRS/Lincolnshire Waste Stickers are used for garbage or yard waste outside of LRS cart(s), loose garbage bags, bulk items and yard waste bags or non-LRS33-gallon containers.
Waste Stickers are used for garbage or yard waste outside of LRS cart(s), loose garbage bags, bulk items, yard waste bags or personal 33-gallon containers, and more than one white good appliance.
Beginning in 2022, LRS will provide 4 (quarterly) electronic waste home collections for Lincolnshire single-family homes, every year participating in the program. There will be no charge for this added service.
Residents will be required to submit a request online (click here) to confirm your e-waste collection. All requests will be accepted year round and must be submitted no later than the Thursday prior to the collection date. If a request is submitted after the deadline it will be scheduled for pickup during the following quarter.
LRS may provide an estimate for a special handling fee of E-Waste exceeding weight or size limitations. If you would like to inquire about an estimate, please e-mail: or call us at 844-NEED-LRS.
Quarterly Electronics Recycling Dates:
Please visit the LRS E-Waste page by clicking here.
Electronic Waste (E-Waste) includes the following landfill banned electronics:
Auto-pay and paperless billing will need to be established new with LRS. This cannot be done until after you receive your first invoice by mail. Instructions will be provided with your first LRS invoice.
LRS bills in advance on a quarterly basis every January, April, July and October.
If you need assistance, please call or e-mail LRS Customer Service for assistance with paperless billing, paying your bill or registering for auto-pay at 844-NEED-LRS or
Some appliances require special handling as they may contain harmful chemicals or they need to be recycled at a special location. Call 844-NEED-LRS or E-mail LRS Customer Service at to schedule a white good collection. LRS will collect one white good appliance per week at a cost of $25 each.
LRS will also continue to provide a fall leaf collection to the community beginning in 2022.