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Available Services For 60112 (cortland)

Business & Construction Services

Residential Services

LRS is proud to be the preferred waste and recycling partner for Cortland.


In addition to being the exclusive residential waste and recycling hauler for Cortland, many Cortland homeowners are currently in need of dumpster rental, on-site storage, portable bathrooms and street sweeper services. LRS is here to help. We have the most professional and affordable dumpster rental, on-site storage, portable bathrooms and street sweeper services available in Cortland. We offer many different services that all can be customized to meet whatever residential needs you may have

Garbage is collected on Friday in the Town of Cortland. All materials must be placed curbside by 6AM to ensure collection. Service times may vary on collection day.

Cortland residents are provided 95-gallon carts issued by LRS for recycling materials. Residents are to use the issued cart. LRS offers additional carts in various sizes for $3.16 per month (one-year rental minimum required per cart). New residents need to call LRS and set up service and receive carts.

Additional recyclables that do not fit in the LRS cart may be placed neatly at the curb in recycle containers. If using your own container for additional recycle materials, it must have two handles and not exceed 35 gallons or 50 pounds when full, for safety reasons. If an item or items are not safe for the driver to manage, they may be left behind with a sticker providing an explanation.

There is no limit to the amount of properly containerized recycled materials that can be placed out for collection.

Recyclable Materials

Newspaper and insertsMagazine catalogs & phone booksOffice paper notebooks
Computer printoutsHanging file folders (remove metal & trash it)Pastel sticky notes
Glossy brochuresIndex cardsGreeting cards
StationeryFax paperManila folders
EnvelopesJunk mailChipboard/Paperboard
Cardboard boxesBrown paper grocery bagsPaperback books
    • NO used paper plates or pizza boxes, or fluorescent paper (they contaminate the paper stream with food, dye, or plastic coating) If the pizza box top is clean you can tear it off and recycle it.
    • NO paper towels, tissues, or napkins, which are not recyclable because the fibers are too small to reuse (please compost them with kitchen food scraps if possible)
    • NO Shredded Paper – Loose shredded paper causes major sorting problems in the Recycling Facilities
  • NO frozen food boxes, which are made of a hybrid of paper and plastic, and are not wanted by paper mills
    • NO paper cups, which are also made of a hybrid of paper and plastic rendering them unrecyclable
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil
  • Pie plates and trays
  • Milk, Soup
  • Cardboard Egg Cartons
  • Juice cartons & boxes



  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • All colors are accepted
  • NO window or auto glass, bakeware, ceramics, mirrors, light bulbs, coffee pots or drinking glasses
  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic tubs
  • Plastic jugs
  • NO plastic bags or plastic film (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps)


  • NO plastic utensils or plates (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps), cups, lids or straws
    • NO candy wrappers, cereal bags, potato chip bags, or snack bags
    • NO empty motor oil, pesticide, or chemical bottles
  • NO Styrofoam, polystyrene (do not put in curbside bin)

Yard waste (also known as landscape waste) season is April 1st through November 30th, every year.


Yard waste is collected on Friday in the Town of Cortland. All materials must be placed curbside by 6AM to ensure collection. Service times may vary on collection day.

Residents may use a waste container marked with an “X” or “YARD WASTE.” Residents may also use biodegradable lawn, landscape, or yard waste bags. Containers or bags may not exceed the 50-pound weight limit each.

Yard waste may be placed neatly at the curb in waste containers. If using your own container for yard waste materials, it must have two handles and not exceed 35 gallons or 50 pounds when full, for safety reasons.

Yard waste may be placed in a biodegradable “Kraft” style or alike paper bag designed specifically for the collection and disposal of yard waste. Bags may not exceed 50 pounds in weight.

Brush bundles tied in biodegradable twine may not exceed 4’ (feet) in length, 4” (inches) in width and 50 pounds. Tree limbs may not exceed 4” (inches) in diameter. Unbundled brush will not be collected.

There is no limit to the amount of yard waste materials that can be placed out for collection, so long as it’s properly containerized.

Christmas Trees will be collected throughout the month of January at no charge on the regular scheduled pickup day.

LRS observes six major holidays and does not provide service on these holidays:




If the holiday falls on a weekday prior to your regular collection day, service will be the following day. Services will take place on Saturday during holiday weeks. Items still need to be placed out at 6AM on Saturday to ensure collection.

Invoices are sent in advance on a quarterly basis for services. Payments are due 30 days from the date of the invoice. Late fees will apply for payments received late. As nearly all costs associated with providing the service increase on a regular basis, rates are increased on an annual basis every July.

LRS offers an auto-pay option for residents who choose to establish this method of payment. Once you receive an invoice from LRS, you may choose this option. If you would like to elect for auto pay, you may do so by going to Payments@LRSrecycles.com. You will be asked to create a username and password.

  • The mailing address for payments is:

PO BOX 4700

CAROL STREAM IL 60197-4700



If you need assistance, please call or email LRS Customer Service for assistance with paperless billing, paying your bill or registering for auto-pay at 844-NEED-LRS or Service@LRSrecycles.com

Recycling Guides

  Contact Us Holiday Schedule

Rent from LRS


Electronic Waste Pickup Request


Household Hazardous Waste Pickup Request

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All