
Town of Newark

Available Services

Town of Newark Residents, Waste & Recycling Collection Program 

Effective January 6th, 2025, LRS will provide waste and recycling services for the Town of Newark residents. LRS is a privately-owned company headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois with six hauling locations throughout southern Wisconsin. The Town of Newark will be serviced out of our Janesville, Wisconsin location. We are proud to be a partner in your community!  


Detailed program information may be found on this page by clicking on the topics below or links to the right (facing) of this page. Welcome Letters with detailed program information will be mailed to all residents prior to the start of service.


Important Service Transition Information 

Collection day for Town of Newark residents will be Monday. Residents will continue to utilize their current Waste Management carts. The first service day with LRS will be waste ONLY on Monday, January 6th. Please have all items curbside by 6AM on collection day to ensure service. Waste services will be provided weekly while recycling services will be provided every other week. Please refer to the service schedule below for more information.

The current hauler will continue providing services until December 31st. Scroll down for more transition information.


LRS Customer Service

Please contact LRS Customer Service for all waste and recycling questions, misses, and any general service-related inquiries. 

Phone: 608.580.0580  


Residents can also submit a support request in the upper right-hand corner of the page. 

Service Schedule

Waste Service
  • Waste is collected weekly on Monday for all Town of Newark residents
  • Must be curbside by 6AM on service day
  • The following materials will not be accepted


NO HAZARDOUS GOODS: no flammable materials such as oil, gas or paint, batteries, household hazardous waste, electronic waste, engine parts, or tires

NO YARD WASTE: no grass clippings, leaves, branches, soil, dirt, sod, hot ashes, etc.

NO CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS: no concrete, rock, demolition debris, large construction waste items

  • Recyclables are collected every other Monday in accordance with the service schedule
  • Must be curbside by 6AM on service day
  • Plastic bags with recycling material will not be accepted


Accepted Recyclables   



  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples 
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted 
  • Newspaper and inserts 
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans  

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice
  • Jars include: mayo, peanut butter

Town of Newark residents will be allowed one (1) bulk item per month at no additional cost. If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. Residents MUST email or call 608.580.0580 at least 48 hours in advance to arrange service. Bulk items must be <50lbs. and manageable by one person (or broken down into manageable pieces).


Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the waste cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, parts of a sectional couch, mattress, frame, wall picture, or table. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items. 





Bulk “Pay-Per-Item” specialized collection is available year-round upon request. Please email or call 608.580.0580 to arrange services and make payment for collection.

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.  

New Year’s Day                         Independence Day                                Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                           Thanksgiving Day                                  Labor Day 

For more information or with questions, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at 608.580.0580 or email Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.  


How do I clean my cart?  

Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry. 


What if I need my cart replaced?  

Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart. 

If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.  


Is this considered waste?  

Latex paint  

Latex paint is considered regular waste, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry.  

Alkaline batteries  

Alkaline batteries are considered regular waste and should be thrown into the garbage. It is always recommended that tape be used on each end of the battery and placed into a plastic sandwich bag when disposing of them. 


How do I report a missed pickup?  

If your waste or recycling is not collected on the service day by 6PM, please contact LRS by calling 608.580.0580 or email Please include your address and what service was missed.  

You can also reach out by submitting a support request  in the top right-hand section of this webpage. 


Transition Information

What Staying the Same?

  • Collection day will remain Friday
  • Service will be billed through the Village
  • Unlimited garbage, recycle and yard waste collection
  • One bulk item collected per week

What’s Changing?

  • New LRS carts will be delivered the week of November 25, 2024
  • Service pickup times will change


Republic will remove their carts after the last day of service. If carts have not been removed within 5 days, please contact Republic.


LRS carts will not be serviced until Friday December 6,2024. Republic will not service LRS carts.

Garbage Collection

Standard Garbage Collection Guidelines

  • Weekly garbage collection on Friday
  • One 96-gallon garbage cart provided by LRS
  • One bulk item collected per week
  • All materials must be out by 6AM
  • Place carts out with the lid opening facing the street and 3 feet away from the recycle cart
  • Unlimited collection of properly prepares materials

Resident-owned containers for additional garbage guidelines

  • Containers must be 33-gallons or less
  • Must have 2 handles
  • Weight must be under 50 pounds when full

Additional LRS Garbage Containers are available for rent. Please contact the Village at (815) 448-2206 for more information.

Standard Recycle Collection Guidelines

  • Weekly recycle collection on Friday
  • One 96-gallon recycle cart provided by LRS
  • All materials must be out by 6AM
  • Place all items loose in the cart
  • Place carts out with the lid opening facing the street and 3 feet away from garbage cart
  • Unlimited collection of properly prepares materials
  • Additional material may be placed in resident owned containers or a box next to LRS cart
  • Break down large boxed for collection

Additional LRS Recycle carts are available for rent. Please contact the Village at (815) 448-2206 for more information.

Visit for more recycle guidelines!

Yard waste and organics are collected seasonally beginning on April 1st through the last collection day in November each year, on the same day as garbage and recyclables.

Yard Waste

  • Serviced weekly in season on Friday
  • Materials must be out by 6AM
  • Optional LRS yard waste cart available to rent, contact LRS
  • Resident-owned containers must be 33-gallons or less, have 2 handles and under 50 pounds when full
  • Biodegradable paper bags under 33-gallons and 50 pounds
  • Brush bundles under 4 feet and 50 pounds, tied with biodegradable string
  • Branches under 4 inches in diameter and no longer than 4 feet in length

LRS Yard Waste Cart  

LRS offers a 96-gallon yard waste cart. Contact LRS for more information or to request an LRS Yard Waste cart.

Bulk items are large items that do not fit in the LRS cart. LRS will collect one bulk item per week for no additional fee.

Bulk Item Guidelines

  • Collected on Friday with regular garbage collection
  • Item must be curbside at 6AM
  • Must be under 50 pounds
  • Mattresses & Box Springs must be wrapped in a plastic cover and taped securely shut
  • Up to 8 rolls of carpet collected each week, no longer than 4 feet long and under 50 pounds

Accepted Bulk Item Examples

Mattress, Box Spring, Chair, Table, Section of Sofa, Large Home Décor,

Not Accepted Bulk Items

Car Parts, Tires, Appliances, Building Supplies, Chemicals, Paint

Please contact LRS for items that may require additional labor or equipment.

Please contact LRS to schedule and prepay $45.00 for an appliance collection.

Accepted Appliances

Air Conditioner | Clothes Dryer | Cook Top, Cooking Plate | Dishwasher | Drying Cabinet | Freezer Oven | Refrigerator Equipment | Stove, Oven Range | Washing Machine | Water Heater

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected. 

New Years Day                              Independence Day                                      Christmas Day

Memorial Day                                Thanksgiving Day                                          Labor Day

City of Horicon

Available Services

City of Horicon Residents, Waste & Recycling Collection Program

Effective August 2nd, 2024, LRS will provide waste and recycling services for the City of Horicon residents. LRS is a privately-owned company headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois with six hauling locations throughout southern Wisconsin. The City of Horicon will be serviced out of our Ixonia, Wisconsin location. We are proud to be a partner in your community!


Detailed program information may be found on this page by clicking on the topics below or links to the right (facing) of this page. Welcome Letters with detailed program information will be mailed to all residents prior to the start of service.


Important Service Transition Information
LRS will begin delivering waste and recycling carts starting on July 25th. These carts will be placed curbside close to where your home will receive future services from LRS. Deliveries will take place July 25th – July 30th. You may place the LRS carts out for collection on your first service day with LRS Friday, August 2. New service day with LRS will be Friday. Waste services will be provided weekly while recycling services will be provided every other week in accordance with the A/B recycling service schedule outlined in the Service Schedule and Map section below.

Addresses north of State Highway 33 will receive recycling service on A weeks and addresses south of State Highway 33 will receive recycling service on B weeks. Please note, service times are subject to change.

The current hauler will continue providing services until July 31st. Please do not begin using your new LRS carts until after you receive final service from Waste Management on July 31st. Scroll down for more transition information.



The City of Horicon homes will automatically be registered to receive a 95-gallon cart for waste and a 95-gallon cart for recycling.

  • LRS crews will deliver new carts before WM removes their carts
  • LRS carts may arrive at various times on different days
  • You may have LRS & WM carts for several days
  • LRS does not schedule cart delivery days or times


  • WM carts will be removed after your Wednesday, July 31st service day
  • Do not use old carts after WM empties them the last day of July
  • Leave old WM carts empty at curb after service to be removed



  • Please contact WM after July 31 if your WM carts are still on site


  • Start using new LRS carts after WM final collection day Wednesday, July 31st
  • WM will NOT empty LRS carts with materials


Please contact LRS Customer Service for all waste and recycling questions, misses, and any general service inquiries.
Phone: 608.580.0580
You can also submit a support request in the upper right-hand corner of the page.


City of Horicon Cart Size:

LRS provides one cart for waste for each household. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on waste.

  • Waste is collected weekly on Friday for all City of Horicon residents
  • Each home will automatically receive one (1) 95-gallon cart for waste
  • Must be curbside by 6AM on your service day
  • The following materials will not be accepted

NO HAZARDOUS GOODS: no flammable materials such as oil, gas or paint, batteries, household hazardous waste, electronic waste, engine parts, or tires
NO YARD WASTE: no grass clippings, leaves, branches, soil, dirt, sod, hot ashes, etc.
NO CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS: no concrete, rock, demolition debris, large construction waste items

LRS provides one cart for recycling for each household. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on recycling.

  • Recyclables are collected every other week in accordance with the A/B recycling service schedule
  • Each home will automatically receive one (1) 95-gallon cart for recycling
  • Must be curbside by 6AM on your service day
  • Plastic bags with recycling material will not be accepted

Accepted Recyclables


  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted
  • Newspaper and inserts
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted
    Plastic Containers
  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice
  • Jars include: mayo, peanut butter

The City of Horicon residents will continue to have an annual curbside bulk items pick-up! There is no limit to the number of bulk items you place curbside for pick-up. If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. Please place bulk items next to your waste cart on Friday, October 11th, 2024.

Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the LRS waste cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, parts of a sectional couch, mattress, frame, wall picture, or table. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items.

No yard waste, hazardous materials, waste oil, tires or liquids

Bulk “Pay-Per-Item” specialized collection is available year-round upon request. Please email or call 608.580.0580 to arrange services.

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.  

New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day 

For more information or with questions, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at 608.580.0580 or email

Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.

How do I clean my cart?

Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry.

What if I need my cart replaced?

Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart.
If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.

Is this considered waste?

Latex paint
Latex paint is considered regular waste, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry.

Alkaline batteries

Alkaline batteries are considered regular waste and should be thrown into the garbage. It is always recommended that tape be used on each end of the battery and placed into a plastic sandwich bag when disposing of them.

How do I report a missed pickup?

If your waste or recycling is not collected on the service day by 6pm, please contact LRS by calling 608.580.0580 or email Please include your address and what service was missed.
You can also reach out by submitting a support request in the top right-hand section of this webpage.

City of Kewanee

Available Services

City of Kewanee Waste, Recycling & Yard Waste Collection Program
Effective September 1st, 2024, LRS will provide garbage, recycling and yard waste services for City of Kewanee residents. LRS is a privately-owned company with offices in Monmouth, Illinois with locations throughout Illinois and the Midwest. We are proud to be a partner in your community!

Important Service Transition Information
The new service with LRS will start on September 1st 2024. However, LRS will start delivering recycling carts on August 26th. Recycling carts will be placed curbside close to where your home will receive future services from LRS. Service days are changing, there will be an updated service map posted below in the coming weeks. Please note, service times are subject to change.

The City of Kewanee, the current hauler, will continue providing services until August 30th. Please note, LRS is only delivering a new cart for recycling. Residents are to continue utilizing the City of Kewanee trash cart for weekly services.


Collection Schedule

  • All items need to be placed at curb or alley by 6:00AM
  • Service times are subject to change
  • Contact LRS customer service for questions regarding collection day or time
  • Trash – serviced weekly on designated day pictured in map
  • Recycling – serviced bi-weekly on the same day as trash
  • Yard waste – serviced FRIDAYS only in season

Please refer to the schedule above for your designated service day. All garbage will be collected starting at 6AM on the service day, garbage is collected weekly. Service times are subject to change. LRS provides service for the City between 6am and 6pm on the service day. Residents are to continue utilizing their City of Kewanee cart for trash services. Additional LRS rental carts available upon request to LRS customer service.

Garbage collection is limited. Any bags of waste that do not fit inside your designated LRS container, require 1 sticker per bag. Stickers can be located at the same retailers as before. Scroll down for more information on cart size, sticker retailers and bulk item service.

LRS provides one cart for recycling at no charge for each household. Recycling is serviced bi-weekly on the same designated day as trash. Additional rental carts are available upon request to LRS customer service. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on recycling. 

  • Recyclables are collected bi-weekly
  • All residents will automatically receive a 95 gallon LRS cart for recycling
  • You are to use the LRS issued cart first for recycled materials
  • Please MARK the additional box or container used as RECYCLE so the driver can clearly see it
  • Plastic bags with recycling material will not be accepted
  • There is no limit to the amount of acceptable recyclable items that can be placed out for collection, provided they are properly prepared and contained
  • If not rainy or snowy out, LRS suggests using a cardboard box as a makeshift bin and placing all broken down materials in the ‘bin’ if needed
  • Additional rental recycling bins are available upon request to LRS in the larger size

Accepted Recyclables   


  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples 
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted 
  • Newspaper and inserts 
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans  

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: Water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice
  • Jars include: mayo, peanut butter
  • The City of Kewanee LRS residential waste and yard waste sticker can be used on excess bags of trash and yard waste programs. The stickers are available for purchase at the same retailers beginning in
  • Please read each section to find out how many stickers are required for items placed out for collection.

Yard waste season is April 1st– November 30th. Serviced on FRIDAYS only. Residents can dispose of yard waste using a sticker. The sticker program require 1 sticker for every personal can/container of yard waste.


What is Considered Yard Waste?  

Yard waste, also known as landscape waste, consists of organic waste materials accumulated as the result of cultivation and maintenance of gardens, lawns, shrubbery, trees, and vines. 

Unacceptable materials include sod, dirt, artificial Christmas trees, wreath greenery and  garland  (not considered yard waste).  

Sticker Yard Waste Services  

Residents may place out plastic containers, metal containers, or biodegradable kraft bags. Each container/bag placed out for collection must have one sticker attached.   Containers and bags may not exceed 33gallons and 50lbs when full. Bundles may also be placed out not exceeding 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter and 50lbs in weight.


Christmas Trees 

LRS will provide an annual special collection of Christmas trees at no charge starting during the whole month of January.      

  • The tree must be real, not artificial, not in any plastic bags and free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and not frozen to the ground. 
  • Trees must be placed curbside 
  • Flocked trees, trees with shiners, tinsel, light bulbs, glitter, wire, or plastic or in plastic bags will not be included in this special collection 

If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. LRS will accept one bulk item each week! Please place the bulk item next to your trash cart on your regularly scheduled collection day. 

If the item is heavier than 50 lbs., please contact LRS to schedule the collection with our customer experience team so they can provide adequate equipment to handle the item safely. Additional bulk items placed out on the same day will require prepayment and prescheduling. 

Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the LRS refuse (garbage) cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, one part of sectional couch, mattress, frame, or wall picture. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items. 


For health and safety reasons, mattresses should be wrapped in plastic to be collected. Plastic mattress wrap can be found online or at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress. 

Please call LRS if you are unsure if an item requires additional labor or equipment at 309.586.4410 or send a request with a photo of the item(s) by e-mail to    

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.  

New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day 

For more information, questions and to arrange for services, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at 309.586.4410 or email          

Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.


How do I clean my cart?  

Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry. 


What if I need my cart replaced?  

Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart. 

If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.  


Is this considered garbage?  

Latex paint  

Latex paint is considered regular garbage, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry.  

Alkaline batteries  

Alkaline batteries are considered regular garbage and should be thrown into the garbage. It is always recommended that tape be used on each end of the battery and placed into a plastic sandwich bag when disposing of them. 


How do I report a missed pickup?  

If your waste or recycling is not collected on the service day by 7pm, please contact LRS by calling 309.586.4410 or email  Please include your address and what service was missed.  

You can also reach out by submitting a support request  in the top right-hand section of this webpage. 

Village of Northbrook


Village of Northbrook Refuse, Recycling & Organics Collection Program 

Effective September 1st, 2024, LRS will provide refuse, recycling, landscape waste and organics collection for all single-family and many multi-family properties. LRS is a privately-owned company headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois with locations throughout Illinois and the Midwest. We are proud to be a partner in your community!

Detailed program information may be found on this page by following below or using the links to the right (facing) of this page. Program brochures will be mailed to all residences prior to the start of service and extra copies will be made available at Village Hall.

LRS also offers many other services for Northbrook residents including portable restrooms and large, open top construction style containers.


  • Refuse and recycling carts are available in 3 different size options.
  • Cart requests are to be submitted online through the LRS Cart Portal 
  • LRS Cart Portal is also at the top righthand section of this webpage  
  • Unwanted carts (due to size preference) should be used in the interim but must be left curbside to be exchanged. 


Please contact LRS Customer Service for all refuse, recycling, landscape and organic waste questions, along with cart exchanges, misses, extra pick-ups and any general service inquiries.

Phone: 844.633.3577 


A support request can also be submitted, in the upper right-hand corner of the page. 


Collection Schedule

Service days will remain the same!

  • All items need to be placed at curb or alley by 6:30 AM
  • Service times are subject to change
  • Drivers often work through the afternoon hours based on a variety of factors including traffic, weather, road conditions, truck loads and routing updates

All refuse will be collected starting at 6:30AM on your service day. Collection times are always subject to change. LRS provides wheeled carts with a flip-top lid and handlebar to throw your refuse in. Additional LRS carts are available upon request to LRS customer service or by using the designated LRS/Northbrook Cart Portal.


Refuse collection is limited. Any bags of refuse that do not fit inside your designated LRS refuse container require 1 sticker per bag. Stickers can be located at the same current retailers (listed below). Extra rental carts are available upon request to LRS customer service. Scroll down for more information on cart size, sticker retailers and bulk item service.


Northbrook Cart Size Options:

LRS provides one cart for recycling at no additional charge for each household. Extra rental carts are available upon request to LRS customer service. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on recycling. 

  • Recyclables are collected on the same day of the week as refuse, in a separate truck.
  • Each home will automatically receive the same size cart that you currently have on site with WM branding, unless another selection is made.
  • You are to use the LRS issued cart first for recycled materials and can place out extra material, when needed for no additional pickup charge.
  • Please MARK the additional container used as RECYCLE so the driver can clearly see it.
  • Please break/cut down any cardboard boxes and have them flattened for safety and ease of pickup by your driver.
  • Plastic bags are not accepted 
  • There is no limit to the amount of acceptable recyclable items that can be placed out for collection, provided they are properly prepared and/or contained 
  • LRS suggests using a cardboard box as a makeshift bin and placing all broken down materials in the ‘bin’ if needed 

Accepted Recyclables   


  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples 
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted 
  • Newspaper and inserts 
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans  

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: Water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice
  • Jars include: mayo, peanut butter
  • The Village of Northbrook LRS residential refuse and orgnics sticker can be used on excess bags of refuse and yard waste/organics programs. LRS stickers are available for purchase at the same current retailers beginning in late-August.
  • Please read each section to find out how many stickers are required for items placed out for collection.
  • Sticker retailers:

Organics season is April 1st – November 30th. LRS offers two options for Northbrook residents to dispose of landscape waste and organics – a sticker program and subscription. Residents who enroll in subscription will pay an annual subscription fee and be delivered a 95g cart for yard waste. Residents on the sticker program require 1 sticker for every personal can/container of yard waste. All branches must be ties with string or twine into bundles not exceeding 2 feet in diameter and 4 feet in length.

What is Considered Landscape Waste?

Yard waste, also known as landscape waste, consists of organic waste materials accumulated as the result of cultivation and maintenance of gardens, lawns, shrubbery, trees, and vines. Organic Food Scrap may be mixed in with yard waste April through November.

  • Organic Food Scraps Accepted: bread, cereal, coffee grounds, dairy, eggshells, eggs, fruits, grain, pasta, shells, and vegetables
  • All Food Scraps need to be in a lidded rigid container. 
  • Unacceptable Materials:  Sod, dirt, artificial Christmas trees, wreath greenery and  garland  (not considered yard waste).

Subscription Yard Waste Services

The subscription yard waste program is an annual fee charged by LRS. Residents on this program will be delivered one 95-Gallon cart to place their yard waste materials in during the season. No sticker is required on the designated LRS landscape waste bin. The container must not exceed 50lbs when full.

Regardless of the container option chosen, subscribers can place up to three bags of overflow organics in Kraft-type paper, plastic, or metal containers for no extra charge. Additional bags require a sticker. Subscribers using their own containers for overflow organics must label each container YARD WASTE.

Sticker Yard Waste Services

Residents may place out plastic containers, metal containers, or biodegradable kraft bags. Each container/bag placed out for collection must have one sticker attached. Containers and bags may not exceed 33gallons and 50lbs when full. Bundles may also be placed out not exceeding 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter and 50lbs in weight.

Christmas Trees

LRS will provide an annual special collection of Christmas trees at no charge starting during the whole month of January.

  • The tree must be real, not artificial, not in any plastic bags and free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and not frozen to the ground.
  • Trees must be placed curbside

Flocked trees, trees with shiners, tinsel, light bulbs, glitter, wire, or plastic or in plastic bags will not be included in this special collection.

All-In Composting Services

Starting in May, LRS will start All-In Composting Services in Northbrook. All LRS Residential customers in Northbrook will receive a 35-gall LRS composting cart for year-round disposal of yard waste and food scraps. More information on the program can be found in this flyer.

Want to opt-out of All-In Composting Services? Click here to learn more and opt-out.

If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. LRS will accept one bulk item each week at no additional charge. Please place the bulk item(s) next to your refuse cart on your regularly scheduled collection day. 

  • If the item is heavier than 50 lbs., please contact LRS to schedule the collection with our customer experience team so they can provide adequate information for our drivers to handle the item(s) safely. Additional bulk items placed out on the same day will require prepayment and prescheduling.
  • Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the LRS refuse (garbage) cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, one part of sectional couch, mattress, frame, or wall picture. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items.
  • For health and safety reasons, mattresses should be wrapped in plastic to be collected. Plastic mattress wrap can be found online or at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress.
  • Any bulk items with glass need to be covered in cardboard or tapped to prevent them from shattering.
  • Toilets are accepted and need to have the tank and bowl separated for pickup by your driver.

Please call LRS if you are unsure if an item requires additional labor or equipment at 844.633.3577 or send a request with a photo of the item(s) by e-mail to   

Appliances will be collected when placed curbside on your service day if you pre-schedule by calling 844.NEED.LRS. This service requires pre-payment and cost starts at $30 per item. Please note that all items need to be drained of liquid for service.

Accepted Appliances (White Goods) Service

Electronic waste (E-Waste) are items that are banned from the landfill (cannot go in your normal refuse). The items below are not included in your curbside collection.


Examples of E-Waste  

Computers | Computer Monitors | Televisions | Printers | Keyboards | Fax Machines | VCR’S | Portable Digital Music Players | DVD Player | Video Game Consoles | Computer Mouse | Scanners | Digital Converter Boxes | Cable Receivers | Satellite Receivers | DVD Recorders | Small-Scale Servers 


Residents can make e-waste drop offs at Village Hall at 1227 Cedar Ln. on the first Tuesday and Saturday of every month. Light bulbs and batteries are also accepted on weekdays, at this location.

According to the EPA, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances. All HHW items are banned from the landfill and will not be collected with curbside collection. LRS encourages residents to take advantage of the drop-off facilities and additional options provided by Lake County. Northfield Township at 237 Melvin Dr is a local option, but please also refer to the attached webpage for the most up to date information: Household Chemical Waste (HCW) | Lake County SWALCO, IL


Examples of HHW:

  • Oil Based Paints, Flammable Oils
    • Oil, Lead, Urethane, Chromium Based Paints, Shellac, Water or Driveway Sealer, Oil-Based Stain, Varnish
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fertilizers
    • Poison, Lawn Chemicals, Weed Killer
  • Aerosols
    • Spray-Paint, Hairspray, WD-40, Air Fresheners, Spray Adhesives, Oven Cleaner, Insecticide Bug Spray
  • Automotive Chemicals / Fluids
    • Antifreeze, Brake or Transmission Fluid, Gasoline, Diesel, Motor Oil
  • Household Cleaners (Acidic/Caustic)
    • Bleach, Ammonia, Muriatic Acids, Pool Cleaners, Drain Cleaners, Solvents, Paint Stripper or Thinner
  • Bulbs / Batteries
    • Fluorescent bulbs, CFL, NiCad, Lithium, Lead Acid, – Automotive, Marine and Sump Pump Batteries

LRS is pleased to offer Village of Northbrook residents a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Home Collection, multiple times each year.

  • Residents who live in an incorporated Village of Northbrook home, currently receiving LRS residential cart services are eligible to participate.
  • Collections are requested online or by calling LRS and available during the month prior to these month-long events.
  • Collection dates are scheduled directly with each resident after submitting a request. You will receive an email or phone call with the scheduled date and more information shortly after submission.

How to Submit a Request

LRS has a simple process to submit a request using the LRS Household Hazardous Waste Request Web Portal in the top right-hand section of the webpage, starting on April 1, with the 2025 schedule, as follows:

  • Spring 2025
    • April sign-up
    • May collection
  • Summer 2025
    • July sign-up
    • August collection
  • Fall 2025
    • October sign-up
    • November collection

Please refer to the top right-hand section of this webpage for our Household Hazardous Waste button to schedule.

  • The online request form provides a list of items to select from, clear instructions and information regarding the collection
  • You can also call LRS at 844.633.3577 or email
  • After your request is received and scheduled, a kit will be mailed containing clear, thick, plastic bags with a reminder of accepted items and confirmation of your collection date.

Contact LRS at 844.633.3577 or send an e-mail with a photo of the item(s) to for items you are unsure of. Items requiring additional labor and/or equipment to manage are considered a Special Refuse Collection. Examples of Special Refuse Collection items include a sleeper sofa, construction debris item(s), TV console and entertainment center or over 4 yards of lose material. LRS will provide a cost estimate if we are able to provide the service. LRS does not guarantee collection of every item.  

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.  

New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day 

  • LRS bills Northbrook residents quarterly, in advance
  • Invoices will be billed to the Property Owner
  • Invoices will be sent to the service address unless another address is provided
  • E-mail (paperless) billing and auto-pay options are available
  • Residents will be able to create an online account once they have an open LRS invoice
  • Instructions on how to enroll in auto pay and create and online account can be found on each invoice or on the home page of our website with the green ‘PAY BILL’ button

For more information, questions and to arrange for services, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at 844.633.3577 or email  

Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.

How do I clean my cart?  

Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry.

What if I need my cart replaced?  

Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart. 

If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.

Is this considered garbage?  

Latex paint  

Latex paint is considered regular garbage, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry.

How do I report a missed pickup?  

If your refuse, recycling or organics material is not collected on the service day by 7pm, please contact LRS by calling 844.633.3577 or email Please include your address and what service was missed.  

You can also reach out by submitting a support request  in the top right-hand section of this webpage. 

September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025


35G TRASH$20.50/MTH$61.15/QTR
35G SENIOR$18.25/MTH$54.75/QTR
65G TRASH$22.50/MTH$67.50/QTR
65G SENIOR$20.05/MTH$60.15/QTR
95G TRASH$31.00/MTH$93.00/QTR
95G SENIOR$28.05/MTH$84.15/QTR



35G SENIOR$38.75/MTH$116.25/QTR
65G SENIOR$40.55/MTH$121.65/QTR
95G SENIOR$45.05/MTH$135.15/QTR



35G SENIOR$38.75/MTH$116.25/QTR
65G SENIOR$40.55/MTH$121.65/QTR
95G SENIOR$45.05/MTH$135.15/QTR



35G SENIOR$55.75/MTH$167.25/QTR
65G SENIOR$57.05/MTH$171.15/QTR
95G SENIOR$62.05/MTH$186.15/QTR


Recycling & Organics Guides

Warren Township

Available Services

Warren Township Residents, Waste, Recycling & Yard Waste Collection Program

Effective July 1st, 2024, LRS will provide garbage, recycling and yard waste services for Warren Township residents. LRS is a privately-owned company headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois with locations throughout Illinois and the Midwest. We are proud to be a partner in your community!

Detailed program information may be found on this page by clicking on the topic below or links to the right (facing) of this page. Program brochures will be mailed to all residences prior to the start of service.

LRS offers many other services for Warren Township residents including portable restrooms and large, open top construction style containers. Click on tab(s) below to learn more.


Important Service Transition Information 

The new service with LRS will start on July 1st 2024. However, LRS will start delivering waste carts on June 17th. These carts will be placed curbside close to where your home will receive future services from LRS. Deliveries will take place June 17th – June 22nd. Different style carts are delivered at different times. You may place the LRS carts out for collection on your first service day with LRS 7/1/2024. Service days are changing, please take note of the map below as well as the designated cart hanger specifically to your home with your new service day.  Please note, service times are subject to change.


The current hauler will continue providing services until June 28th. Please do not begin using your LRS carts until your other haulers carts are removed. Scroll down for more transition information.



Warren Township homes will automatically be registered to receive a 95g cart for trash and a 65g cart for recycling. Please note, if you are living within an HOA community, this may vary.

LRS also offers different cart sizes and additional carts to rent. Scroll down to Cart Options to learn more.

  • LRS crews will deliver new carts before WM removes their carts.
  • LRS carts may arrive at various times on different days.
  • You may have LRS & WM carts for several days. 
  • LRS does not schedule cart delivery days or times. 


  • WM carts will be removed June 24th – June 29th on your service day.
  • Do not use old carts after WM empties them the last week of
  • Leave old WM carts empty at curb after service to be removed.
  • WM sends different crews to remove WM (not regular driver).




  • Please contact WM after June 29, 2024 if your WM carts are still on site


  • Start using new LRS carts once your WM carts are removed.
  • WM will NOT empty LRS carts with materials.


Requests for different cart sizes and additional rental carts must be selected by May 31st, 2024, to be delivered with the initial delivery in June. Selections made after May 31st, will be delivered after the initial delivery is complete. LRS cannot guarantee delivery days or times with this type of delivery. 

  • Garbage and recycle carts are available in different size options than the standard.
    • Standard cart sizes | 95-gallon garbage and 65-gallon recycling
    • Alternate sizes available | 65-gallon trash, 35-gallon trash, 95-gallon recycling, 35-gallon recycling
    • Additional rental carts | 95-gallon trash, 95-gallon recycling
  • Cart requests are to be submitted online through the LRS Cart Portal
  • LRS Cart Portal is at the top righthand section of this webpage
  • Unwanted carts should be used in the interim but must be left curbside to be exchanged.
  • Exchanges can take up to 2 weeks to complete


Please contact LRS Customer Service for all garbage, recyclable and yard waste questions, cart exchanges, misses, extra pick-ups and any general service inquiries.

Phone: 844.633.3577 


You can also submit a support request in the upper right-hand corner of the page.


Collection Schedule

  • Service days are Please reference the map below and or the post card sent to your home.
  • All items need to be placed at curb or alley by 6:00AM
  • Service times are subject to change
  • Contact LRS customer service for questions regarding collection day or time

Please refer to the schedule above for your designated service day. All garbage will be collected starting at 6AM on the service day, garbage is collected weekly. Service times are subject to change. LRS provides service for warren Township between 6am and 6pm on the service day. LRS provides wheeled carts with a flip-top lid and handlebar to throw your garbage in. Additional LRS carts available upon request to LRS customer service or by using the designated LRS/Warren Township Cart Portal.

Garbage collection is limited. You may place out one extra bag as your bulky item. Or any bags of waste that do not fit inside your designated LRS container, require 1 sticker per bag. Stickers can be located at the same retailers as before. Scroll down for more information on cart size, sticker retailers and bulk item service.

Residents are billed for services on a quarterly basis. For the most up to date pricing, please contact our customer service center.


Warren Township Cart Size Options:

LRS provides one cart for recycling at no charge for each household. Additional rental carts are available upon request to LRS customer service. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on recycling. 

  • Recyclables are collected on the same day of the week as the garbage and yard waste
  • Each home will automatically receive the same size cart you previously had on site with WM unless another selection is made
  • You are to use the LRS issued cart first for recycled materials 
  • Please MARK the additional box or container used as RECYCLE so the driver can clearly see it
  • Plastic bags with recycling material will not be accepted
  • There is no limit to the amount of acceptable recyclable items that can be placed out for collection, provided they are properly prepared and contained
  • If not rainy or snowy out, LRS suggests using a cardboard box as a makeshift bin and placing all broken down materials in the ‘bin’ if needed
  • Additional rental recycling bins are available upon request to LRS in the larger size

Accepted Recyclables   


  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples 
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted 
  • Newspaper and inserts 
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans  

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: Water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice
  • Jars include: mayo, peanut butter
  • Warren Township LRS residential waste and yard waste sticker can be used on excess bags of trash and yard waste/organics programs. The stickers are available for purchase at the same retailers beginning in June. 
  • Please be aware, LRS will not accept WM stickers at the start of service on July 1st 2024 
  • Please read each section to find out how many stickers are required for items placed out for collection.  

Yard waste season is April 15th – November 30th. LRS offers two options for Warren Township residents to dispose of yard waste. A sticker program and subscription. Residents who enroll in subscription will pay an annual subscription fee and be delivered a 95g cart for yard waste. $140.00 per 2024 season.  Please note that during the first two weeks of April, April 1st – April 15th LRS will not require any stickers on yard waste. Residents on the sticker program require 1 sticker for every personal can/container of yard waste. There is NO stickers required on bundles of branch/brush each season. All branches must be ties with string or twine into bundles not exceeding 2 feet in diameter and 4 feet in length


What is Considered Yard Waste?  

Yard waste, also known as landscape waste, consists of organic waste materials accumulated as the result of cultivation and maintenance of gardens, lawns, shrubbery, trees, and vines. 

Organic Food Scrap may be mixed in with yard waste April through November. 

Organic Food Scraps Accepted: bread, cereal, coffee grounds, dairy, eggshells, eggs, fruits, grain, pasta, shells, and vegetables 

All Food Scraps need to be in a lidded rigid container.  

Unacceptable materials include sod, dirt, artificial Christmas trees, wreath greenery and  garland  (not considered yard waste).  


Subscription Yard Waste Services  

The subscription yard waste program is an annual fee charged by LRS. Residents on this program will be delivered one 95-Gallon cart to place their yard waste materials in during the season. No sticker is required on the designated LRS landscape waste bin. The container must not exceed 50lbs when full.


Sticker Yard Waste Services  

Residents may place out plastic containers, metal containers, or biodegradable kraft bags. Each container/bag placed out for collection must have one sticker attached.   Containers and bags may not exceed 32gallons and 50lbs when full. Bundles may also be placed out not exceeding 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter and 50lbs in weight. Please note that during the first two weeks of April, April 1st – April 15th LRS will not require any stickers on yard waste, in addition, there is NO stickers required on bundles of branch/brush April 15th-November 30th each season.


Container Guidelines for subscribers and sticker customers:

  • Kraft type paper bags
  • Rigid cans not exceeding 32 gallons capacity {traditional garbage cans)
  • Bundles of brush not exceeding two (2) feet in diameter by four (4) feet long
  • Bags, cans or bundles shall not exceed 50 pounds in


Christmas Trees 

LRS will provide an annual special collection of Christmas trees at no charge starting during the whole month of January.      

  • The tree must be real, not artificial, not in any plastic bags and free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and not frozen to the ground. 
  • Trees must be placed curbside 
  • Flocked trees, trees with shiners, tinsel, light bulbs, glitter, wire, or plastic or in plastic bags will not be included in this special collection 

During the fall of each year LRS will provide fall leaf collection. This program includes will the Residents raking their leaves out to the ditch/curb line during the determined dates.  Leaves will then be collected by LRS using a mechanical vacuum process. Dates for leaf collection are to be determined and will be posted online once available.

If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. LRS will accept one bulk item each week! Please place the bulk item next to your trash cart on your regularly scheduled collection day. 

One excess bag of trash can be taken as the weekly bulk item allowance as well.

If the item is heavier than 50 lbs., please contact LRS to schedule the collection with our customer experience team so they can provide adequate equipment to handle the item safely. Additional bulk items placed out on the same day will require prepayment and prescheduling. 

Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the LRS refuse (garbage) cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, one part of sectional couch, mattress, frame, or wall picture. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items. 

For health and safety reasons, mattresses should be wrapped in plastic to be collected. Plastic mattress wrap can be found online or at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress. 

Please call LRS if you are unsure if an item requires additional labor or equipment at 844.633.3577 or send a request with a photo of the item(s) by e-mail to   

Electronic waste (E-Waste) are items that are banned from the landfill (cannot go in your normal trash). The items below are not included in your curbside collection. However the Village and LRS will have bi annual electronic waste drop offs. Dates are to be determined. Further information will be posted here.


Examples of E-Waste  

Computers | Computer Monitors | Televisions | Printers | Keyboards | Fax Machines | VCR’S | Portable Digital Music Players | DVD Player | Video Game Consoles | Computer Mouse | Scanners | Digital Converter Boxes | Cable Receivers | Satellite Receivers | DVD Recorders | Small-Scale Servers 

According to the EPA, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances. All HHW items are banned from the landfill and will not be collected with curbside collection. LRS encourages residents to take advantage of the drop-off facilities and additional options provided by Lake County. Please refer to the attached webpage for the most up to date information: Household Chemical Waste (HCW) | Lake County SWALCO, IL  

Examples of HHW:  

  • Oil Based Paints, Flammable Oils
    • Oil, Lead, Urethane, Chromium Based Paints, Shellac, Water or Driveway Sealer, Oil-Based Stain, Varnish 
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fertilizers
    • Poison, Lawn Chemicals, Weed Killer 
  • Aerosols
    • Spray-Paint, Hairspray, WD-40, Air Fresheners, Spray Adhesives, Oven Cleaner, Insecticide Bug Spray 
  • Automotive Chemicals / Fluids
    • Antifreeze, Brake or Transmission Fluid, Gasoline, Diesel, Motor Oil 
  • Household Cleaners (Acidic/Caustic)
    • Bleach, Ammonia, Muriatic Acids, Pool Cleaners, Drain Cleaners, Solvents, Paint Stripper or Thinner
  • Bulbs / Batteries
    • Fluorescent bulbs, CFL, NiCad, Lithium, Lead Acid, – Automotive, Marine and Sump Pump Batteries

Contact LRS at 844.633.3577 or send an e-mail with a photo of the item(s) to for items you are unsure of. Items requiring additional labor and/or equipment to manage are considered a Special Refuse Collection. Examples of Special Refuse Collection items include a sleeper sofa, construction debris item(s), TV console and entertainment center. LRS will provide a cost estimate if we are able to provide the service. LRS does not guarantee collection of every item.

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.  

New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day 

  • LRS bills quarterly in advance
  • Invoices will be billed to the Property Owner
  • Invoices will be mailed to the service address unless another address is provided
  • E-mail billing and auto-pay options are available
  • Residents will be able to create an online account once they have an open LRS invoice
  • Instructions on how to enroll in auto pay and create and online account can be

For more information, questions and to arrange for services, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at 844.633.3577 or email  

Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.

How do I clean my cart?  

Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry. 

What if I need my cart replaced?  

Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart. 

If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.  

Is this considered garbage?  

Latex paint  

Latex paint is considered regular garbage, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry.  

Alkaline batteries  

Alkaline batteries are considered regular garbage and should be thrown into the garbage. It is always recommended that tape be used on each end of the battery and placed into a plastic sandwich bag when disposing of them. 

How do I report a missed pickup?  

If your waste or recycling is not collected on the service day by 7pm, please contact LRS by calling 844.633.3577 or email Please include your address and what service was missed.  

You can also reach out by submitting a support request  in the top right-hand section of this webpage. 

Village of Carbon Hill

Effective June 1, 2024, LRS will be the new exclusive service provider for Village of Carbon Hill residents! We look forward to providing service in your area!


Important Transition Information




LRS will deliver a 96-gallon garbage & 96-gallon recycle cart before your final pick up from WM



Leave empty WM garbage and recycle carts out to be permanently removed after the final collection.

Service will be delayed by one day this week in observance of Memorial Day



LRS will collect weekly garbage and every other week recycle on FRIDAY beginning June 1, 2024. Please have all material to the curb no later than 6:00 A.M. to ensure collection. Service times vary and are not guaranteed.








All residents will receive a garbage and recycle cart. Garbage will be collected weekly on Friday. Recycle will be collected every other week on Friday.

64-Gallon & 96-Gallon Cart Sizes

Additional Refuse Guidelines

All items need to be placed curbside by 6 AM on collection day



  • Non-LRS containers must have two handles or a grip
  • Garbage must be contained and fit inside the container when full
  • Non-LRS containers may not exceed 33-gallons, or 50 pounds when full
  • Loose garbage bags may not exceed 33-gallons or weigh more than 50 pounds

Bulk Items

Bulk Items are large items that don’t fit into your LRS Garbage Cart or non-LRS garbage container. LRS will collect one bulk item per week for no additional charge. Please notify LRS for items exceeding 50lbs in weight or 4’x4’x4’.


Examples of bulk items:



Mattresses & Box Springs must be enclosed in a plastic mattress cover or be completely covered in plastic for health and safety reasons. Plastic mattress covers are available at hardware stores and other retail outlets such as Walmart, Target, Ace Hardware, Lowes, Home Depot and storage facilities.


Carpet Rolls must be tied in rolls not to exceed 4 feet in length, or 18 inches in diameter. LRS will collect up to 8 properly prepared rolls per week as one bulk item

All residents will receive one recycle cart for every other week collection.




  • Recyclables are collected every other week on Friday
  • Each home will receive a 96-gallon recycle cart.
  • A smaller cart size is available upon request. Call or email LRS Customer Service to inquire.
  • There is no limit to the amount of acceptable recyclable items that can be placed out for collection, provided they’re properly prepared and contained. See guidelines found in “Additional Recycle Guidelines.”





Please be sure to properly prepare acceptable materials before placing them in the recycle cart using the guidelines found in “Additional Recycle Guidelines.”



  • Remove metal clips and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples. Envelopes with cellophane windows are accepted.
  • Newspaper and inserts​
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, Stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, ​tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans 

  • Empty and Rinse, Labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, Rinse, Do not crush or flatten, Leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and Drink Cartons
  • Milk, Soup,​ and Juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, Rinse, Do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, Rinse, Labels are ok to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: Water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo,​health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: Coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: Milk and juice
  • Jars include: Mayo, Peanut butter


  • All items must be placed out for collection by 6 AM on collection day
  • LRS carts must be used for recyclable materials. Non-LRS containers are only used for additional recyclables

Non-LRS containers used for recycle materials must meet the following requirements:

  • Containers must have two handles or a grip
  • Recyclable materials must be contained inside the container and not exceeding capacity
  • Non-LRS containers may not exceed 33-gallons or 50 pounds when full

LRS provides an annual spring and fall cleanup for no additional charge. Refuse, bulk items, white goods and up to (4) automobile tires (no rims) are free to dispose of during cleanup days.


2024 | Nov 8

2025 | Apr 18 & Nov 7

2026 | Apr 17 & Nov 6

2027| Apr 16 & Nov 5

2028 | Apr 21 & Nov 3

2029 | Apr 20



LRS offers special pickups year-round! Please contact LRS to prepay and schedule a special pickup.

  • White Goods: $40.00 per item
  • Tires without rims: $15.00 per tire
  • Tires with rims: $25.00 per tire



Air Conditioner | Clothes Dryer | Cook Top and Cooking Plate | Cooker or Bakers Oven Dishwasher | Drying Cabinet | Freezer | Kitchen Stove or Oven Range | Microwave Oven Refrigerator or Refrigeration equipment | Washing Machine | Water Heater

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.


New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day 

Yard waste is defined as any waste materials typically derived from landscaping; including but not limited to grass clippings, leaves, and shrubbery.


Residents that wish to enroll for the subscription program will receive one 96-gallon yard waste cart. Homes will be billed on an annual basis and auto-renew yearly if LRS is not notified by March 1st each year to cancel.


Jun 1, 2024 – Nov 30, 2024 (Partial Season)                      $131.25

Apr 1, 2025 – Nov 30, 2025                                                    $220.00

Apr 1, 2026 – Nov 30, 2026                                                    $230.45

Apr 1, 2027 – Nov 30, 2027                                                    $242.00

Apr 1, 2028 – Nov 30, 2028                                                    $254.00          

Apr 1, 2029 – May 31, 2029 (Partial Season)                     $ 66.68



Village of Gurnee

Effective June 1st, 2024, LRS will provide garbage, recycling, yard waste and fall leaf collection services for Village of Gurnee residents. LRS is a privately-owned company headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois with locations throughout Illinois and the Midwest. We are proud to be a partner in your community!

Detailed program information may be found on this page by clicking on the topic below or links to the right (facing) of this page. Program brochures will be mailed to all residences prior to the start of service. LRS-Gurnee Brochures can be found here for view/print. Extra copies will be made available at Village Hall.

LRS offers many other services for Gurnee residents including portable restrooms and large, open top construction style containers.

Click on tab(s) below to learn more.

Important Service Transition Information

The new service with LRS will start on June 1st 2024. However, LRS will start delivering waste carts on May 20th. These carts will be placed curbside close to where your home will receive future services from LRS. Deliveries will take place May 20th – May 27th . Different style carts are delivered at different times. You may place the LRS carts out for collection on your first service day with LRS. Service days are changing, please take note of the map below as well as the designated post card send specifically to your home with your new service day. Please note, service times are subject to change.

The current hauler will continue providing services until May 31st. Please do not begin using your LRS carts until your WM carts are removed. Scroll down for more transition information.


Gurnee homes will automatically be registered to receive the same size garbage that residents current have on site with WM and the same size recycling cart.

LRS also offers different cart sizes and additional carts to rent. Scroll down to Cart Options to learn more.

  • LRS crews will deliver new carts before WM removes their carts.
  • LRS carts may arrive at various times on different days.
  • You may have LRS & WM carts for several days. 
  • LRS does not schedule cart delivery days or times. 


  • WM carts will be removed May 27th – June 1st on your service day.
  • Do not use old carts after WM empties them the last week of
  • Leave old WM carts empty at curb after service to be removed.
  • WM sends different crews to remove WM (not regular driver).




  • Please contact WM after June 1, 2024 if your WM carts are still on site


  • Start using new LRS carts once your WM carts are removed.
  • WM will NOT empty LRS carts with materials.


Requests for different cart sizes and additional rental carts must be selected by May 1st, 2024, to be delivered with the initial delivery in late May. Selections made after May 1st, will be delivered after the initial delivery is complete. LRS cannot guarantee delivery days or times with this type of delivery. 

  • Garbage and recycle carts are available in different size options than the standard.
  • Cart requests are to be submitted online through the LRS Cart Portal
  • LRS Cart Portal is at the top righthand section of this webpage
  • Unwanted carts should be used in the interim but must be left curbside to be exchanged.
  • Exchanges can take up to 2 weeks to complete


Please contact LRS Customer Service for all garbage, recyclable and yard waste questions, cart exchanges, misses, extra pick-ups and any general service inquiries.

Phone: 844.633.3577 


You can also submit a support request in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Collection Schedule

  • Service days are subject to change.  Please reference this map or the post card sent to your home.
  • All items need to be placed at curb or alley by 6:00AM
  • Service times are subject to change
  • Contact LRS customer service for questions regarding collection day or time

Please refer to the schedule above for your designated service day. All garbage will be collected starting at 6AM on the service day, garbage is collected weekly. Service times are subject to change. LRS provides service for the Village between 6am and 6pm on the service day. LRS provides wheeled carts with a flip-top lid and handlebar to throw your garbage in. Additional LRS carts available upon request to LRS customer service or by using the designated LRS/Gurnee Cart Portal.

Garbage collection is limited. Any bags of waste that do not fit inside your designated LRS container, require 1 sticker per bag. Stickers can be located at the same retailers as before. Scroll down for more information on cart size, sticker retailers and bulk item service.

Gurnee Cart Size Options:

35-Gallon, 65-Gallon, 95-Gallon Gurnee Cart Size Options.

LRS provides one cart for recycling at no charge for each household. Additional rental carts are available upon request to LRS customer service. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on recycling. 

  • Recyclables are collected on the same day of the week as the garbage and yard waste
  • Each home will automatically receive the same size cart you previously had on site with WM unless another selection is made
  • You are to use the LRS issued cart first for recycled materials 
  • Please MARK the additional box or container used as RECYCLE so the driver can clearly see it
  • Plastic bags with recycling material will not be accepted
  • There is no limit to the amount of acceptable recyclable items that can be placed out for collection, provided they are properly prepared and contained
  • If not rainy or snowy out, LRS suggests using a cardboard box as a makeshift bin and placing all broken down materials in the ‘bin’ if needed
  • Additional rental recycling bins are available upon request to LRS in the larger size

Accepted Recyclables  


  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples 
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted 
  • Newspaper and inserts 
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans  

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: Water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice
  • Jars include: mayo, peanut butter
  • The Village of Gurnee LRS residential waste and yard waste sticker can be used on excess bags of trash and yard waste/organics programs. The stickers are available for purchase at the same retailers beginning in May.
  • Please be aware, LRS will not accept WM stickers at the start of service on June 1st 2024
  • Please read each section to find out how many stickers are required for items placed out for collection. 
  • Sticker retailers:
    • ACE 4806 GRAND AVE GURNEE IL 60031
    • JEWEL 6509 GRAND AVE GURNEE IL 60031

Yard waste season is April 1st– November 30th. LRS offers two options for Gurnee residents to dispose of yard waste. A sticker program and subscription. Residents who enroll in subscription will pay an annual subscription fee and be delivered a 95g cart for yard waste. $140.00 per 2024 season.  Please note that during the first two weeks of April, April 1st – April 15th LRS will not require any stickers on yard waste. Residents on the sticker program require 1 sticker for every personal can/container of yard waste. There is NO stickers required on bundles of branch/brush April 15th-November 30th each season. All branches must be ties with string or twine into bundles not exceeding 2 feet in diameter and 4 feet in length

What is Considered Yard Waste? 

Yard waste, also known as landscape waste, consists of organic waste materials accumulated as the result of cultivation and maintenance of gardens, lawns, shrubbery, trees, and vines.

Organic Food Scrap may be mixed in with yard waste April through November.

Organic Food Scraps Accepted: bread, cereal, coffee grounds, dairy, eggshells, eggs, fruits, grain, pasta, shells, and vegetables

All Food Scraps need to be in a lidded rigid container.


Unacceptable materials  include sod, dirt, artificial Christmas trees, wreath greenery and  garland  (not considered yard waste).

Subscription Yard Waste Services

The subscription yard waste program is an annual fee charged by LRS. Residents on this program will be delivered one 95-Gallon cart to place their yard waste materials in during the season. No sticker is required on the designated LRS landscape waste bin. The container must not exceed 50lbs when full. Residents on this program may place up to 6 personal cans, bags, and bundles of material alongside the 95g LRS cart. Residents may also rent an additional 95g LRS yard waste cart for a small monthly fee.

Sticker Yard Waste Services

Residents may place out plastic containers, metal containers, or biodegradable kraft bags. Each container/bag placed out for collection must have one sticker attached.   Containers and bags may not exceed 33gallons and 50lbs when full. Bundles may also be placed out not exceeding 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter and 50lbs in weight. Please note that during the first two weeks of April, April 1st – April 15th LRS will not require any stickers on yard waste, in addition, there is NO stickers required on bundles of branch/brush April 15th-November 30th each season.

Christmas Trees

LRS will provide an annual special collection of Christmas trees at no charge starting during the whole month of January.

  • The tree must be real, not artificial, not in any plastic bags and free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and not frozen to the ground. 
  • Trees must be placed curbside 
  • Flocked trees, trees with shiners, tinsel, light bulbs, glitter, wire, or plastic or in plastic bags will not be included in this special collection 

During the fall of each year LRS will provide fall leaf collection. This program includes will the Residents raking their leaves out to the ditch/curb line during the determined dates.  Leaves will then be collected by LRS using a mechanical vacuum process. Dates for leaf collection are to be determined and will be posted online once available.

If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. LRS will accept one bulk item each week! Please place the bulk item next to your trash cart on your regularly scheduled collection day.


If the item is heavier than 50 lbs., please contact LRS to schedule the collection with our customer experience team so they can provide adequate equipment to handle the item safely. Additional bulk items placed out on the same day will require prepayment and prescheduling.


Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the LRS refuse (garbage) cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, one part of sectional couch, mattress, frame, or wall picture. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items.


For health and safety reasons, mattresses should be wrapped in plastic to be collected. Plastic mattress wrap can be found online or at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress.


Please call LRS if you are unsure if an item requires additional labor or equipment at 844.633.3577 or send a request with a photo of the item(s) by e-mail to   

Electronic waste (E-Waste) are items that are banned from the landfill (cannot go in your normal trash). The items below are not included in your curbside collection. However the Village and LRS will have bi annual electronic waste drop offs. Dates are to be determined. Further information will be posted here.


Examples of E-Waste 

Computers | Computer Monitors | Televisions | Printers | Keyboards | Fax Machines | VCR’S | Portable Digital Music Players | DVD Player | Video Game Consoles | Computer Mouse | Scanners | Digital Converter Boxes | Cable Receivers | Satellite Receivers | DVD Recorders | Small-Scale Servers 

According to the EPA, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances. All HHW items are banned from the landfill and will not be collected with curbside collection. LRS encourages residents to take advantage of the drop-off facilities and additional options provided by Lake County. Please refer to the attached webpage for the most up to date information: Household Chemical Waste (HCW) | Lake County SWALCO, IL 


Examples of HHW:  

  • Oil Based Paints, Flammable Oils
  • Oil, Lead, Urethane, Chromium Based Paints, Shellac, Water or Driveway Sealer, Oil-Based Stain, Varnish 
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fertilizers 
  • Poison, Lawn Chemicals, Weed Killer 
  • Aerosols 
  • Spray-Paint, Hairspray, WD-40, Air Fresheners, Spray Adhesives, Oven Cleaner, Insecticide Bug Spray 
  • Automotive Chemicals / Fluids
  • Antifreeze, Brake or Transmission Fluid, Gasoline, Diesel, Motor Oil 
  • Household Cleaners (Acidic/Caustic)
  • Bleach, Ammonia, Muriatic Acids, Pool Cleaners, Drain Cleaners, Solvents, Paint Stripper or Thinner
  • Bulbs / Batteries 
  • Fluorescent bulbs, CFL, NiCad, Lithium, Lead Acid, – Automotive, Marine and Sump Pump Batteries

Contact LRS at 844.633.3577 or send an e-mail with a photo of the item(s) to for items you are unsure of. Items requiring additional labor and/or equipment to manage are considered a Special Refuse Collection. Examples of Special Refuse Collection items include a sleeper sofa, construction debris item(s), TV console and entertainment center. LRS will provide a cost estimate if we are able to provide the service. LRS does not guarantee collection of every item.

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.


New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day  

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day 

  • LRS bills quarterly in advance
  • Invoices will be billed to the Property Owner
  • Invoices will be mailed to the service address unless another address is provided
  • E-mail billing and auto-pay options are available
  • Residents will be able to create an online account once they have an open LRS invoice
  • Instructions on how to enroll in auto pay and create and online account can be
For more information, questions and to arrange for services, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at  844.633.3577 or email Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.

How do I clean my cart?

Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry.

What if I need my cart replaced?

Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart. If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.

Is this considered garbage?

Latex paint Latex paint is considered regular garbage, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry. Alkaline batteries Alkaline batteries are considered regular garbage and should be thrown into the garbage. It is always recommended that tape be used on each end of the battery and placed into a plastic sandwich bag when disposing of them.

How do I report a missed pickup?

If your waste, recycling, or landscape waste is not collected on the service day by 6 pm, please contact LRS by calling 844.633.3577 or e-mailing Please include your address and what service was missed. You can also reach out by submitting a support request  in the top right-hand section of this webpage

Village of Lake Villa

Village of Lake Villa Waste, Recycling & Yard Waste Collection Program

Effective May 1st, 2024, LRS will provide garbage, recycling, yard waste and fall leaf collection services for Village of Lake Villa residents. LRS is a privately-owned company headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois with locations throughout Illinois and the Midwest. We are proud to be a partner in your community!

Detailed program information may be found on this page by clicking on the topic below or links to the right (facing) of this page. Program brochures will be mailed to all residences prior to the start of service. LRS-Lake Villa Brochures can be found here for view/print. Extra copies will be made available at Village Hall. LRS offers many other services for Lake Villa residents including portable restrooms and large, open top construction style containers.

Click on tab(s) below to learn more.


Important Service Transition Information

The new service with LRS will start on May 1st 2024. However, LRS will start delivering waste carts April 22nd. These carts will be placed curbside close to where your home will receive future services from LRS. Deliveries will take place April 22nd– April 30thDifferent style carts are delivered at different times. You may place the LRS carts out for collection on your first service day with LRS. Service days throughout the community will remain the same throughout the month of May. Effective 6/1 all homes in the Village of Lake Villa will be switching to a Friday service day. The entire Village of Lake Villa’s first Friday service will be 6/7. Please note, service times are subject to change.


LRS has partnered with the Village to enhance the current collection and provide a cart for every resident. LRS will only provide collection for the LRS branded carts that are provided under this new program. The current hauler will continue to provide collection through April 30th.


Lake Villa homes will automatically be registered to receive the same size garbage that residents current have on site with WM and 64-gallon recycle cart.

LRS also offers different cart sizes and additional carts to rent. Scroll down to Cart Options to learn more.

  • LRS crews will deliver new carts before WM removes their carts.
  • LRS carts may arrive at various times on different days.
  • You may have LRS & WM carts for several days. 
  • LRS does not schedule cart delivery days or times. 


  • WM carts will be removed April 24th – April 30th on the service day.
    • Do not use old carts after WM empties them the last week of
    • Leave old WM carts empty at curb after service to be removed.
    • WM sends different crews to remove WM (not regular driver).




Please contact WM after May 1, 2024 if your WM carts are still on site


  • Start using new LRS carts once you have placed the WM carts out to be emptied by WM the last week of April.
  • WM will NOT empty LRS carts with materials.


Requests for different cart sizes and additional rental carts must be selected by April 10th, 2024, to be delivered with the initial delivery in late April. Selections made after April 10th, will be delivered after the initial delivery is complete. LRS cannot guarantee delivery days or times with this type of delivery.


  • Garbage and recycle carts are available in different size options than the standard.
  • Cart requests are to be submitted online through the LRS Cart Portal
  • LRS Cart Portal is at the top righthand section of this webpage
  • Unwanted carts should be used in the interim but must be left curbside to be exchanged.
  • Exchanges can take up to 2 weeks to complete


Please contact LRS Customer Service for all garbage, recyclable and yard waste questions, cart exchanges, misses, extra pick-ups and any general service inquiries.

Phone: 844.633.3577 


You can also submit a support request in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Collection Schedule

Service days throughout the community will remain the same throughout the month of May. Effective 6/1 all homes in the Village of Lake Villa will be switching to a Friday service day. The entire Village of Lake Villa’s first Friday service will be 6/7. Please note, service times are subject to change.


Until 6/1/2024 all service days will remain on the same WM service day you previously had.

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
    • All items need to be placed at curb or alley by 7:00AM
    • Contact LRS customer service for questions regarding collection day or time
Please refer to the schedule above for your designated service day. All garbage will be collected starting at 7AM on the service day, garbage is collected weekly. Service times are subject to change. LRS provides service for the Village between 7am and 7pm on the service day. LRS provides wheeled carts with a flip-top lid and handlebar to throw your garbage in. Additional LRS carts available upon request to LRS customer service. Garbage collection is limited. Any bags of waste that do not fit inside your designated LRS container, require 1 sticker per bag. Stickers can be located at the same retailers as before. Scroll down for more information on cart size, sticker retailers and bulk item service.

Lake Villa Cart Size Options:

Different Size Cans

LRS provides one cart for recycling at no charge for each household. Additional rental carts are available upon request to LRS customer service. Contact LRS Customer Service for more information or with questions on recycling.


  • Recyclables are collected on the same day of the week as the garbage and yard waste
  • Each home will automatically receive a 64-gallon cart for recyclables
  • You are to use the LRS issued cart first for recycled materials
  • Please MARK the additional box or container used as RECYCLE so the driver can clearly see it
  • Plastic bags with recycling material will not be accepted
  • There is no limit to the amount of acceptable recyclable items that can be placed out for collection, provided they are properly prepared and contained
  • LRS suggests using a cardboard box as a makeshift bin and placing all broken down materials in the ‘bin’ if needed
  • Additional rental recycling bins are available upon request to LRS in the larger size

Accepted Recyclables  


  • Remove metal caps and rings, notebook spirals, three-ring binders, and industrial size staples
  • Envelopes with cellophane windows can be accepted
  • Newspaper and inserts
  • Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
  • Office paper, notebooks, computer print outs, hanging file folders, pastel colored sticky notes (no fluorescent), glossy brochures, index cards, greeting cards, stationery, fax paper, manila folders and envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Chipboard/paperboard – cereal, cracker, tissue, shoe, gift, and 6/12-pack boxes, paper towel tubes, and egg cartons
  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened and cut
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Paperback books (no hardcover books)

Steel/Tin Cans  

  • Empty and rinse, labels may be left on
  • Food cans and lids
  • Metal paint cans and lids (must be empty and dry, some dried paint residue is fine)
  • Metal lids are recyclable


  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten, leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Milk, soup, and juice

Aluminum Cans and Foil  

  • Empty, rinse, do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil)
  • Pie plates & trays

Glass Bottles and Jars  

  • Empty, rinse, labels are fine to leave on
  • All glass colors are accepted

Plastic Containers  

  • Leave plastic screw top caps on empty bottles and jars
  • Empty and rinse; labels may be left on
  • Bottles include: Water, soda, juice, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, health and beauty products and cleaners
  • Tubs include: coffee, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, margarine tubs, fruit or lettuce
  • Jugs include: milk and juice

Jars include: mayo, peanut butter

  • The Village of Villa LRS residential waste and yard waste sticker can be used on excess bags of trash and yard waste/organics programs. The stickers are available for purchase at the same retailers beginning in April.
  • Sticker locations: Village Hall and Jewel In Round Lake.
  • Please be aware, LRS will not accept WM stickers at the start of service on May 1st 2024
  • Please read each section to find out how many stickers are required for items placed out for collection.

Yard waste is collected seasonally beginning on May 1st through November 30th on the same service day as your garbage and recycling. Yard waste will only be collected from the curbside and must be placed out by 7 AM on the collection day. Residents can use stickers or enroll in the subscription program. Please read below for guidelines.


What is Considered Yard Waste?

Yard waste, also known as landscape waste, consists of organic waste materials accumulated as the result of cultivation and maintenance of gardens, lawns, shrubbery, trees, and vines.


Organic Food Scrap may be mixed in with yard waste April through November. 

Organic Food Scraps Accepted: bread, cereal, coffee grounds, dairy, eggshells, eggs, fruits, grain, pasta, shells, and vegetables.


All Food Scraps need to be in a lidded rigid container.


Unacceptable materials include sod, dirt, artificial Christmas trees, wreath greenery and  garland  (not considered yard waste).


Subscription Yard Waste Services

The subscription yard waste program is an annual fee charged by LRS. Residents on this program will be delivered one 96-gallon cart to place their yard waste materials in during the season. No sticker is required on the designated LRS landscape waste bin. The container must not exceed 50lbs when full. Anything outside the container requires 1 sticker per bundle/pile or bag.


Sticker Yard Waste Services 

Residents may place out plastic containers, metal containers, or biodegradable kraft bags. Each container/bag placed out for collection must have one sticker attached.   Containers and bags may not exceed 33gallons and 50lbs when full. Bundles may also be placed out not exceeding 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter and 50lbs in weight. One sticker is required per bundle.


Christmas Trees

LRS will provide an annual special collection of Christmas trees at no charge starting during the first two weeks of January. 

  • The tree must be real, not artificial, not in any plastic bags and free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and not frozen to the ground. 
  • Trees must be placed curbside 
  • Flocked trees, trees with shiners, tinsel, light bulbs, glitter, wire, or plastic or in plastic bags will not be included in this special collection 
  • Due to snow and ice, trees may not always be picked up on your service day as our drivers and trucks will be in the village all throughout the 2 weeks for pickups

During the fall of each year LRS will provide fall leaf collection. This program includes will the Residents raking their leaves out to the ditch/curb line during the determined dates.  Leaves will then be collected by LRS using a mechanical vacuum process. Dates for leaf vacuuming are to be determined and will be posted online once available.

If a single household item is too large to fit in a cart, then it is considered a bulk item. LRS will accept one bulk item each week! Please place the bulk item next to your trash cart on your regularly scheduled collection day.

If the item is heavier than 50 lbs., please contact LRS to schedule the collection with our customer experience team so they can provide adequate equipment to handle the item safely.


Additional bulk items placed out on the same day will require an additional sticker for service.

Examples of a bulk or large item exceeding the capacity of the LRS refuse (garbage) cart, includes the following: bed frame, box spring (bed), bicycle, chair, love seat/sofa, one part of sectional couch, mattress, frame, or wall picture. These are only some examples as there are many items that may be considered bulk items.
For health and safety reasons, mattresses should be wrapped in plastic to be collected. Plastic mattress wrap can be found online or at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress.
Please call LRS if you are unsure if an item requires additional labor or equipment at 844.633.3577 or send a request with a photo of the item(s) by e-mail to

Electronic waste (E-Waste) are items that are banned from the landfill (cannot go in your normal trash). The items below are not included in your curbside collection and need to be taken to a secure drop-off locations. Please contact SWALCO for more information. 847.336.9340.


Examples of E-Waste


Computers | Computer Monitors | Televisions | Printers | Keyboards | Fax Machines | VCR’S | Portable Digital Music Players | DVD Player | Video Game Consoles | Computer Mouse | Scanners | Digital Converter Boxes | Cable Receivers | Satellite Receivers | DVD Recorders | Small-Scale Servers

According to the EPA, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances. All HHW items are banned from the landfill and will not be collected with curbside collection. LRS encourages residents to take advantage of the drop-off facilities and additional options provided by Lake County. Please refer to the attached webpage for the most up to date information: Household Chemical Waste (HCW) | Lake County SWALCO, IL


Examples of HHW:


  • Oil Based Paints, Flammable Oils
  • Oil, Lead, Urethane, Chromium Based Paints, Shellac, Water or Driveway Sealer, Oil-Based Stain, Varnish
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fertilizers
  • Poison, Lawn Chemicals, Weed Killer
  • Aerosols
  • Spray-Paint, Hairspray, WD-40, Air Fresheners, Spray Adhesives, Oven Cleaner, Insecticide Bug Spray
  • Automotive Chemicals / Fluids
  • Antifreeze, Brake or Transmission Fluid, Gasoline, Diesel, Motor Oil
  • Household Cleaners (Acidic/Caustic)
  • Bleach, Ammonia, Muriatic Acids, Pool Cleaners, Drain Cleaners, Solvents, Paint Stripper or Thinner
  • Bulbs / Batteries
  • Fluorescent bulbs, CFL, NiCad, Lithium, Lead Acid, – Automotive, Marine and Sump Pump Batteries

Contact LRS at 844.633.3577 or send an e-mail with a photo of the item(s) to for items you are unsure of. Items requiring additional labor and/or equipment to manage are considered a Special Refuse Collection. Examples of Special Refuse Collection items include a sleeper sofa, construction debris item(s), TV console and entertainment center. LRS will provide a cost estimate if we are able to provide the service. LRS does not guarantee collection of every item.

Holiday service will be provided one day later than regular collection if the holiday falls Sunday through Friday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, service will not be affected.


New Year’s Day                                Independence Day                                          Christmas Day 

Memorial Day                                   Thanksgiving Day                                             Labor Day

Residents are billed for refuse services through the Village. LRS only bills for additional containers and yard waste subscription. Please reach out to the Village with any billing questions.

For more information, questions and to arrange for services, please call LRS Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at 844.633.3577 or email


Improperly prepared materials placed for collection will not be collected.


How do I clean my cart?
Fill the cart with hot water and a capful of vinegar or grease-cutting dish soap. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse. Once the cart has been thoroughly rinsed, set the cart out with the lid open in the sun to dry.


What if I need my cart replaced?
Carts that are broken due to damage incurred during the collection are reported by the driver for replacement at no charge. Residents are encouraged to contact LRS if they notice damage to the cart during the collection process to request a replacement cart.
If damage occurs to the cart due to other reasons, please contact LRS to request a replacement cart.


Is this considered garbage?
Latex paint
Latex paint is considered regular garbage, but it must be completely dried, with the lid off so the driver is able to see inside the can. Dry latex paint by leaving lid off or open and/or mix kitty litter until the paint is completely absorbed. Do not place out for collection until the paint is completely dry.


Alkaline batteries
Alkaline batteries are considered regular garbage and should be thrown into the garbage. It is always recommended that tape be used on each end of the battery and placed into a plastic sandwich bag when disposing of them.


How do I report a missed pickup?
If your waste or recycling is not collected on the service day by 7pm, please contact LRS by calling 844.633.3577 or email Please include your address and what service was missed.


You can also reach out by submitting a support request in the top right-hand section of this webpage.

Lake Columbia

Lake Columbia Property Owners Association: Garbage, Recycling, Yard Waste Collection Program

LRS has been the village’s exclusive residential service provider for curbside waste, recycling and yard waste for Lake Columbia homes.


Each home receives two carts, one for waste and one for recycling. There is no cost for the carts. Carts are available in the following size 96-gallon.


Garbage, recycling and yard waste shall be placed curbside the day of collection no later than 7 a.m. to ensure they are collected.


Waste Collection

Waste collection will be service on a weekly basis. On Monday and Friday from May through September and October through April on Monday only.


In addition to curbside waste collection, LRS offers a variety of other waste services.

Bulk Items

Bulk items will be collected if each item is under 50 pounds and under 2 cubic yards. Bulk Item service will have to be scheduled with contractor. This is billed to the resident at time of service.

For health and safety reasons, mattresses and box springs are requested to be wrapped in plastic to be collected at the curb/street side. Plastic mattress wrap can be found at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress.


If you are looking to dispose of a toilet, we do ask, for safety of the team due to the weight, for the item to please be separated (i.e. the bowl and the tank pulled apart in two parts).


For items that do not fit the above criteria, LRS will provide service as needed, scheduled at an agreed upon per-yard basis. This service will be upon request, and billed separately.

Christmas Trees

LRS will provide curbside collection of Christmas trees in the second full week of January at no charge. Only live trees (not in bags) free of any tinsel, lights or ornaments will be accepted.

Recycling Collection

LRS will provide residents with one recycling cart at no cost that will be collected every other week on the same day as your waste.

Acceptable Recyclables

Please be sure to properly prepare acceptable materials before placing them in your recycle cart using the guidelines found in “Additional Recycle Guidelines.”



  • Newspaper & inserts, Magazines, Catalogs & Phone books
  • Computer printouts
  • Hanging file folders (remove metal and trash it)
  • Glossy brochures
  • Index cards
  • Stationery fax paper
  • Envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Office paper/notebooks
  • Pastel sticky notes
  • Greeting cards
  • Manila Folders
  • Chipboard/paperboard
  • Paperback books


Recyclable items must be clean.

  • NO used paper plates or pizza boxes, or fluorescent paper (they contaminate the paper stream with food, dye, or plastic coating). If pizza box top is clean you can tear it off and recycle it.
  • NO paper towels, tissues, or napkins, which are not recyclable because the fibers are too small to reuse (please compost them with kitchen food scraps if possible).
  • NO shredded paper – Loose shredded paper causes major sorting problems in the recycling facilities.
  • NO frozen food boxes, which are made of a hybrid of paper and plastic, and are not wanted by paper mills.
  • NO paper cups, which are also made of a hybrid of paper and plastic rendering them unrecyclable.


Plastic Containers


Plastic bottles, Plastic tubs and Plastic jugs

  • NO plastic bags or plastic film (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps).
  • NO plastic utensils or plates (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps, cups, lids or straws).
  • NO candy wrappers, cereal bags, potato chip bags or snack bags.
  • NO empty motor oil, pesticide or chemical bottles.
  • NO Styrofoam, polystyrene (do not put in curbside bin).



  • Empty, Rinse, Do not crush or flatten, Leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and Drink Cartons
  • Milk, Soup and Juice


 Aluminum Cans & Foil

  • Empty, Rinse, Do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil
  • Pie plates & trays


Glass Bottles & Jars

  • All colors are accepted
  • NO window or auto glass, bakeware, ceramics, mirrors, light bulbs, coffee pots or drinking glasses.

Yard Waste/Organics

LRS will provide seasonal yard waste collection from April through November on Mondays. Residents may use and place out their own 35-gallon or smaller cans with yard waste, or brown kraft bags free of charge. User-owned cans should be clearly marked as “YW,” and may not weigh more than 50lbs (this weight limit also applies to kraft paper bags). The bundle size is restricted to 4’ in length, 2’ diameter, and no heavier than 50 pounds. Branches cannot exceed 3” in diameter.

Your yard waste service day will be on the same day as your waste and recycling.

Recycling & Organics Guide